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Keith McMillen Instruments | K-Mix | Thavius Beck

“Having this onboard DSP… where I can record with compression, with gating, with an EQ, and not need to rely on internal processing for that from my computer, it’s a really big help – especially in a live performance scenario.” – Thavius Beck on the K-Mix

An Evening with Keith McMillian Instruments featuring Thavius Beck was held at Pyramind in April 2016. As a part of his presentation, Thavius got a chance to show off K-Mix, a state of the art audio interface, control surface, and fully programmable digital mixer from KMI. The free event was open to the public and included an open house sneak peak at Keith’s latest instruments – the K-Board Pro 4, BopPad, and the K-Mix. We set up the instruments in our HD Studio Suite to give people a hands on demo of the devices.

Producer, rapper, and seasoned electronic musician, Thavius Beck, gave us in an in depth look into how he is using the K-mix to produce original music, featuring opera singer Hilary Whitmore. He live sequenced a beat while sampling Hilary, and was able to use multiple pieces of gear with ease due to the flexibility the K-Mix provides. He used an Elektron Octatrack, a Roland SP-404, Novation Circuit, Ableton Live and K-Mix for the live performance.

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