Two men in a studio with the words music production program.

The Breakdown | Tron Run/r | Diego & Jonn Connor Remix

Pyramind Students Remix “Recursion” from original Tron Run/r soundtrack by Giorgio Moroder & Raney Shockney: 

Pyramind was commissioned to create four remixes of Recursion, the Giorgio Moroder and Raney Shokney original track used in the game. Other high profile remix artists for the project include Autechre, Plaid, Bibio, Darkstar, Joywave, and Patten.

In this episode of The Breakdown, we hear from Pyramind students Diego and Jonn Connor (aka Connor Mooldyk) about their creative process in Ableton Live.

Follow them on their socials: Jonn Connor: Soundcloud | Facebook Diego:  SoundcloudFacebook

Video Topic Timestamps:

00:00:51 – Production Timeline
00:01:22 – Working with Moroder and Shokne Stems
00:02:15 – Collaboration Process
00:03:23 – Picking a Genre
00:04:55 – Session Overview
00:05:43 – Level Progression
00:08:10 – Incorporating Original Stems
00:10:00 – Using the Push 2
00:11:16 – Orchestral Layers
00:14:02 – Drum Processing
00:17:05 – Game Sound Effects

Tron Run/r was released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on February 16, 2016. The lightning fast, action-adventure runner had it’s debut on Steam Early Access in October of 2015. Tron Run/r includes more than 30 levels and two gameplay modes; “Disc” and “Cycle”. The game’s “Stream” mode aims to challenge players with remixed levels.  Players are also able to upgrade and customize their avatars with dozens of elements to choose from including light cycles, suits, and helmets.

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