Bryan Franklin's guide to planning for success in the music producer program.

Planning for Success | Guest Lecturer | Bryan Franklin (NIMITAE)

Pyramind’s “Planning for Success” guest lectures are designed to enhance the learning experience with unique perspectives on success and relationship building opportunities from the front lines of the industry.

Guest lecturer Bryan Franklin (aka electronic music artist NIMITAE), co-author of The Last Safe Investment and founder of FranklinMedia, walks us through his career and the decisions he made that got him to where he is today.

After college, he started FranklinMedia, a post production service business in the entertainment industry. He worked on more than 300 feature films, including Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, The Last Samurai and Polar Express. After selling the company, he began coaching executives in the silicon valley and has helped thousands of entrepreneurs make their first million, 7 of which have grown their companies to valuations of over $1 billion.

He eventually resumed his relationship with music, under the artist name NIMITAE. You can watch our episode of The Breakdown that features his remix of Joe Muscatello’s “Liberating Love” here.

Purchase The Last Safe Investment here.

NIMITAE on SoundCloud

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